http://www.la-redo.net/That's my favorite website. It's an argentinean blog about soccer, from Argentina and other parts of the world: there are a lot of mentions about Chile, like a post about the "Puerto Ordazo" in the last American Cup
(http://www.la-redo.net/?p=5760) or the designation of Marcelo Bielsa for the National Management of our soccer team (
The big thing about that is that they write about soccer in a different way that the traditional "mass media": sometimes there are serious posts, but in general they are filled with a very funny sarcasm. For example, about the "Puerto Ordazo" they concluded that: "if they made all this disorder for an insignificant thing like qualificating in 3rd position of their group, I don't want to imagine what they're going to do if tonight they eliminate the
verdeamarelha [Brazil]". Or, in another example, they talk about Mauricio Pinilla as "the less fulfilled promise of the chilean soccer"
Like every blog, it's open to comments from the visitors. But in difference with the most blogs I know, there are always like 100 or 200 comments by post (there is one that have more than 10000!) And the role of the visitors is very important, they (actually, we) gave life to the website. There are a lot of sarcastic and funny comments, like in the post about the "Puerto Ordazo" ("What are they going to do if they're Champions of the Cup? They'll have sex with the half of Venezuela!")
I'd like that we have a similar website here in Chile.